On Hearing a Sermon

When I was young in the Lord — without being told that I should — I listened eagerly to preachers as they picked up Scripture. It was rarely because I knew the speaker and who they really were as people, but rather it was because I anticipated that He was about to speak to me. …

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Birthed in Revival: Shubal Stearns and the Remarkable Expansion of Baptists in the South

Author's Note: Written in 2011, my purpose for this brief monograph was two-fold. First, I wanted to introduce Shubal Stearns, a pivotal figure in Baptist history, yet someone who is little known outside of academic circles. Second, I wanted to demonstrate the relationship between Stearns and the phenomenal growth of Baptists across the South. Many …

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Using Video Sermon Illustrations

In 2 Samuel 12:1-4, the prophet Nathan was sent to David armed with a message from God, but that message was embedded in a story. The story drew David in, evoking great emotion as he interacted with the principal characters of the story. Then to David’s great surprise, the story threaded its way through his …

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Preacher, What Will You Preach This Sunday?

With economies floundering and a potential flu epidemic, it's natural for someone to reflect on the big questions of life: why am I here? What does life mean? Where is God? How should a Christian preacher respond? During World War II, Martyn Lloyd-Jones continued to preach at the historic Westminster Chapel in London every Sunday …

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In Word Only?

It was my first preaching assignment in college. At breakfast in the school dining hall, the chair of our Bible department walked up to ask my companion if he could preach at a little country church later that morning. Knowing how badly I wanted to preach somewhere, my friend declined but pointed out that I …

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